MAOF (Tradition, Values and Politics)

In their shared vision, the Posen Foundation and KIAH (Kol Israel Haverim – Alliance) seek to encourage the Israeli public, in its diversity, to embark on an exploration of Jewish identity. We believe that Israeli society should discover the multiplicity of the Jewish world and to strengthen the sense of belonging each and every one of us feels, as owners and safekeepers of Jewish culture and the Jewish people.

Realizing that parliamentary advisors in the Israeli Parliament (Knesset) are a source of influence over these goals – in legislation, discussions and setting public agenda – brought to the inception of the MAOF program.

MAOF – Hebrew acronym for “Tradition, Values and Politics” – strives to equip parliamentary leadership with tools, contents and meaningful knowledge on themes of social Judaism. We believe that such tools can be used by participants of the program in numerous parliamentary initiatives and opportunities for social change in Israel.

Program Goals:

  • Exposing participants to concepts of cultural humanistic Judaism, with social justice and social engagement at its core.
  • Introducing Jewish terminology, texts and ideas, from both Talmudic and modern sources, which hold relevance to Israeli public agenda and to the formation of a diverse Jewish identity in Israel.
  • Providing tools and knowledge that will enable participants to be actively involved in promoting ideas and initiatives in the field of Jewish culture, as part of their ongoing public service. Ideas that will influence legislators, leaders and the entirety of Israeli society and will deepen the capacity for social change in Israel.