BINA – The Jewish Movement for Social Change

BINA – The Jewish Movement for Social Change

BINA is an Israeli-born movement at the intersection of Jewish education and social activism. BINA works to advance democracy, pluralism and justice in Israel and the Jewish world through limud (study), ma’ase (action) and kehilla (community), emphasizing Jewish culture and values of tikkun olam (repairing the world).

BINA means “Wisdom” in Hebrew. At BINA it is also a Hebrew acronym from a poem by Israel’s national poet, Chaim Nachman Bialik, for: “Home for the Creation of a Nation’s Soul”.

For BINA, a “Nation’s Soul” means a nation which embodies the values of pluralism, social justice, social solidarity, democracy and peace – the Jewish values for which BINA stands.

BINA page
