A fascinating and celebratory event with the participants of the MAOF program’s fifth cohort (2022)

Among those honouring the event with their attendance were The Ambassador of France to Israel, Eric Danon, Founder of the Posen Foundation, Daniel Posen, Kol Israel Haverim Chairperson, Sam Pinto, and Kol Israel Haverim CEO, Eli Bareket.

Two weeks following their return from Paris, the MAOF program’s fifth cohort graduates concluded a year of beit-midrash learning and both individual and group processes of investigation into core issues pertaining to Israeli society.

Participants shared their insights from the excursion to Paris, covering topics such as the separation of religion and state, Jewish identity, acquaintance with the Jewish community in Paris as well as France’s unique political structure, and emphasized the impact that the MAOF program has had on their personal and professional lives.
