Modern Jewish-Argentine Literature: Reconsidering the Canons

In 2013, the Posen Foundation initiated the Posen Society of Fellows, a competitive international fellowship, designed to support emerging scholars of Jewish Studies.
Each year, the Posen Foundation inducted six new fellows, whose research deals with modern Jewish history and culture, with fellows selected from around the world.
Fellows received a two-year grant worth $40,000 towards the completion of their doctoral dissertation and were invited to convene each summer to discuss their research and writing, and learn from an elite group of Jewish Studies scholars.
Since 2021 the program is closed.
Modern Jewish-Argentine Literature: Reconsidering the Canons
Jews in Cross-Confessional Legal Cultures in Germany, 1500-1700
Hawkers and Housekeepers: Gender, Class, and Jewish-Arab Relations on Palestine’s Margins (1887-1948)
The Weak Joint: German-Yiddish Literature after 1900
Constructions of Jewish Modernity and Marginality in Izmir, 1856-1914
The “Schmittian” Jews: Leo Strauss, Isaac Breuer, and the Foundations of Jewish Theopolitics of the State
The Making of a Postcolony: Legal and Economic Technocracy in Late British Mandate Palestine and the State of Israel, 1939-1967
Liberating Labour? Jews, Women and Work in Wilhelmine Germany and the First World War.
Singing in the Anteroom to Hell: Memorializing Music in Theresienstadt
Broken Rings: Leningrad Jews in the Siege
Translational Encounters with Modernism: Jewish-American Multilingual Literature in the Age of Mass Migration
Credit, Debt, and the Politics of Favor: Non-Muslim Merchant-banking Families in Ottoman Damascus and its Hinterland, 1840-1890
New Criticism Int.: The Close Reader in the U.S., Israel and Brazil
Return to Sepharad: Jewish Revivalism and the Pragmatics of Inclusion in Spain
Salomon Dubno (1738-1813) and the Influence of East European Jews on the German Haskalah
The Evolution of the Israeli Asylum Regime (1948 – 2017)
The Exile Bible: Language, Music, and Dispersion in the Works of German-Jewish Émigrés
Le Goût Sémite: Art Collecting, Identity, and Antisemitism in Early Third Republic Paris, 1870-1914
Heritage and Loss: The Fate of Yiddish in Buenos Aires, 1929-1961
The Ethnic Republic: The European Contours of the French Universal Idea and the Making of French Algeria, 1870-1919
Navigating the Civil and Religious Worlds: Jewish Immigrants & Marital Laws in France and the United States 1881-1939
Attitudes toward conversion to and from Judaism in the Zionist movement and the State of Israel.
Jewish Life in a Colonial Home Front: The Yishuv and British Rule in Wartime Palestine, 1939- 1945
Of Harmony and Discord: Jews and North African Music in the Twentieth Century
Yiddish Russian: A People’s History of Language and Literature in the Soviet Union.
Commemorating the Temple in Heritage Sites around the Temple Mount in Jerusalem
The Europeanisation of French Jews: French Jewish perceptions of Jews in Southeast Europe, 1840 to 1900
Rabbinic Textuality and the Rise of Secular Jewish Literatures in Imperial Russia
Contemporary Hassidism: From Image to Reality. The Slonim Hassidism-test Case
The Creation of a National Jewish Culture in Interwar Lithuania
With an Unbuttoned Shirt (“Mit a Tseshpilyet Hemd”): Anarchist Modernism in Yiddish Literature
The Role of Women’s Song in the Transmission of Jewish Identity in Northern Morocco
Jewish Responses to the Influx of Eastern wisdom into German Thought during the Wilhelmine Era and the Weimar Republic
The Hymns of the Sabbatean “Ma’aminim” in their Ottoman Context
Radical Nationalists: Moroccan Jewish Communists 1945-1975
Saving Yiddish: Yiddish Studies and the Language Sciences in America, 1940-1970
Jewish Culture and the Logic of the State: 1772-1848
“Let it be Consumption!”: Modern Jewish Writing and the Literary Capital of Tuberculosis
After Europe: The Transformation of Jewish Politics in World War II
Narrative Encounters of Muslims and Jews in Contemporary Rural Morocco
“In-Between” — Jewish Studies in Post WWII Germany 1960–2009
The Experience of Time in the Writings of R. Shneur Zalman of Liady
The Electrification of Palestine, 1917-1948
Jewish Political Lives at the End of Empire: Zionism, Nationalism, and British Imperialism in India, South Africa, and Palestine,
Law and Community: Trials of Jewish Collaborators at Displaced Camps in Germany and in The State of Israel