[ Programs ]
Annual Conference (Educational Day) for Machshevet Israel Pupils

Once a year, the Ministry of Education hosts nationwide educational days for grade 10-12 pupils studying Machshevet Israel (Jewish Thought). These educational days are the culmination of meaningful and relevant learning, enabling pupils to touch on themes of identity and current affairs in Israeli society, through the study of Machshevet Israel, as well as to meet other pupils from across Israel: different schools, varied populations and diverse backgrounds.
The uniqueness of educational days is also in the autonomy and choice provided to pupils, who get to choose the topics and methods by which they want to learn and experience the day, thus becoming active, involved and engaged in the process of learning. Educational days also allow pupils to undergo meaningful experiential learning beyond the classroom walls, familiarizing themselves with relevant issues concerning identity-definition and Israeli society – with their complexities and challenges, and developing a respectful discourse about the learned topics and a collective pride in their field of study.