The seminar for students of Jewish philosophy in the 10th grade at the “ANU” Museum 12.2021
The seminar for students of Jewish philosophy in the 10th grade at the “ANU” Museum 12.2021

This week, the educational seminar day for 10th grade students of Machshevet Israel (Jewish Thought) was held at “ANU – Museum of the Jewish People”.
The educational day offered an exploration of the topic “Facets of Israeli-Jewish Identity”, which is closely linked to the 11th grade Machshevet Israel curriculum: “Circles of Belonging”, and which examines the question of our individual and collective identity as Israeli-Jews.
200 students from across the country (arriving from ten different schools – from the Golan Heights to Jerusalem) participated in this educational day, which offered them interdisciplinary and experiential study that is based on students’ choice.
The educational day was held through the collaboration of the Ministry of Education with the Posen Foundation and BINA